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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Rover Diva Grace Goes Rock Climbing for the First Time by Grace


Izabella, Sydney, and I went rock climbing the first weekend in August.  At Mt. Lemon, Windy point, near Tucson.  Izabella and  Sydney have been climbing for a couple of years.  Izabella is amazing.  She is so good.  Their parents have been climbing for a long time. 

Here I am getting into gear.  I had to wear a harness, helmet, chock bag and special shoes.  Linda, Sydney and Izabella's, mom taught me how to put the rope on the harness.

Rock climbing is tough, but it is fun! 

I have climbed a rock wall 20ft. before, but then I only climbed halfway.  This time I climbed a 70ft. piece of rock.  That's taller than the five story building my Dad works in! 

Izabella and I look tiny on the top of the rock.  It was so cool to be on top of a hug rock.

Their was a little cove where we played Indians in it.  It was a great day!!!


  1. Wow! What a big climb! I am glad you made it safely and you had fun.

  2. Scary! Weren't you afraid of falling? you are so brave.
    Aunt Laurel

  3. Grace, you did a great job on your first day of climbing. We had fun taking you and seeing your first experience on "real" rock. When it gets a little cooler we can all go again.

  4. Wow! So impressed with your gusto girl! Keep it up and keep on posting. Love your blog!
